dimanche 8 août 2010

Departure and Reflections

So since I messed up, I left 1 day earlier than the rest of the group, leaving me to make the trek to Charles de Gaulle airport by myself. When I inevitably got lost in the airport I went up to the information booth behind an American family. They asked for help in butchered French. The man behind the counter responded in English, and they left. Next I went up and asked where to go (in not as badly butchered French, I'd like to think). His response ... in French. IT WAS A SUCCESSFUL TRIP if he felt confident in my French abilities enough to respond in English (at CDG airport nonetheless). SCORE!

The second thing I noticed in Charles de Gaulle (after it's gigantic and you need to know exactly where you're going before you get there was that there was way too much English around me. I was taken aback by it. However it was nice to wait in the ridiculously long line and have a good conversation with another college student about our travels.

So overall reflections about this trip:
I still don't like paying 50 centimes to use the bathroom.
Or how the stores close early and Sundays AND Mondays have of the country is practically closed (Although, I really like the idea of not working as much so you can spend more time enjoying life, doing the things that matter).
I feel like I know more about France this time around since we traveled a lot more (with the class and without it).
Public transportation in France is amazing - much easier and cheaper to travel compared to driving everywhere.
French people (and probably most Europeans) don't understand the American-ism of "I'm Irish, Italian, etc. etc"). To a French person when you say you're "Irish" you come directly from Ireland. To most Americans, "I'm Irish" means that you're of Irish heritage. (That was an interesting conversation with Caroline's friend Vincent...)
SCUBA Diving is simple bliss - It's the same language everywhere and most divers are really chill and laid back, no matter where they're from ;)

Life should be simple and enjoyable. Don't waste your life worrying about things that will complicate it and make it difficult or hinder your happiness. Do something that will make you stand out because at the end of your life, you're just going to be a pile of bones stuck in a box for eternity (or maybe not???)

Overall t was a very nice trip, definitely worth the money for the experience and being able to practice and improve my French as much I was able to. Thank you for letting me come along again and a great trip.
See you in another 2 years, maybe even sooner ;)

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